Gravitas Talk with Dr. Dorothee Ritz, Managing Director of Microsoft Austria to the topic “Internet of Things – How You Let Your Data Work For You!”
With the titel “Internet of Things – How You Let Your Data Work For You!“ a “Fireplace Chat“ took place with Dr. Dorothee Ritz, Managing Director of Microsoft Austria, in the new and inspiring Microsoft Learning Hub in Vienna, September 25th.
After a welcome speech from Karoly Pataki, CEO of Gravitas, Dr. Ritz presented the new Microsoft Learning Hub. This is a learning room of the future, and should inspire responsible persons for education & managers how teaching of tomorrow could be.
In this very inspiring room a selected group of CEOs and Experts discussed topics like: „Pitfalls/Challenges of implementing IoT in corporations“, How can companies manage the first steps?“, How can corporations from the traditional industries profit from IoT?“, „Cross-sectorial networking through IoT“, IoT/Big Data & Data Security”.